

Board level experience for black leaders.

Bringing together black leaders and corporate allies to diversify boards

Black people often report that they struggle to get experience at board level to enable them to move into leadership roles.

Corporate allies across all sectors report that they struggle to reach black audiences with their board-level recruitment.

BURN is working with its members to bridge this gap – improving diversity at board level, while providing real board-level experience to black leaders. 


How it works

BURN has partnered with Board Apprentice, which seeks to widen the pool of board-ready talent by identifying and placing high-calibre, diverse professionals as ‘board apprentices’ on boards for one year, allowing them to gain first-hand experience through observation of the workings and dynamics of a board. These senior leader apprentices emerge with the practical experience and understanding necessary to further qualify them to take on board roles.

Board apprentices commit all the time necessary to fulfil the duties of an appointed board member. They receive board packs, attend board and committee meetings, as well as general meetings during the year. They are not officially appointed as a director (unless the business asks them to become a director following the 12 month apprenticeship) and they fund their own expenses.

Corporate members are successfully using Board Apprentice for talent retention and development in addition to being part of a practical solution to diversity and inclusion challenges. Over 50% of board apprentices become board members within a year of their apprenticeship.

The apprentices gain more self-confidence in applying for board positions. Furthermore, they develop their network with existing board members and increase their understanding of what it takes to be a board member. 

Become an apprentice

Join as a member of BURN – either as a black professional or a black business owner, and let us know that you’d like us to find you a position on the board of one of our corporate allies.

Become a host board

Your business can become a host board by joining up to one of our membership packages for corporate allies. Choose the package that best works for you here.



For further information please email info@burncic.org

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